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Things You Should Consider Before Hiring a Fencing Contractor in Arlington Heights, Illinois

Fencing contractor in Arlington Heights IllinoisAre you thinking about installing a brand-new fence? Maybe you need some repairs made to your existing fence? Regardless, a fencing contractor is the person to call.

You can call and hire the first fencing contractor you come across. However, when hiring someone to work on your property, it’s wise to do your research first. This way, you’ll know that you’re getting someone who can do the job properly.

To help you choose the right contractor for the job, this fencing contractor in Arlington Heights, Illinois is going to review some of the key things you should consider below.

Is the Contractor Experienced?

One of the most important things to consider is whether the contractor is experienced. Have they completed a lot of fencing projects in the past, or are they going to be using your yard as a proverbial guinea pig?

You don’t want the latter, as it leaves you open to all sorts of complications. You’ll want a contractor who’s proven themselves over years of consistent work. It’s best to look for a fencing contractor in Arlington Heights, Illinois that has a minimum of two years of experience. If they’ve managed to maintain a decent reputation over their first two years of work, they likely have what it takes to get the job done right.

Does the Contractor Have Insurance?

Another important aspect to consider is insurance coverage. Does your prospective fencing contractor have it? If not, it’s best to look elsewhere.

Why? Because insurance coverage could be the difference between you paying additional money and not paying additional money. It could be the difference between you filing a lawsuit and not filing a lawsuit.

Let’s assume that your contractor causes damage to your property while installing your fence. You don’t want to have to pay for those damages. Fortunately, if the contractor is insured, their insurance will just cover the cost of the damages with no issue. If they’re not insured, however, they might try to resist paying for the damages. In these situations, you would either have to pay for them yourself, or file a lawsuit against the contractor.

Both options are undesirable. To be safe, you should ask to see proof of both general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance prior to signing any contracts.

What Does the Contractor Charge?

Different fencing contractors in Arlington Heights, Illinois charge different rates for their services. Therefore, prior to signing any contracts with anyone, it’s important to ask your prospective contractor about their rates.

You should describe the type of work you need to have done, and then ask for an estimate for that project. Any reputable fencing contractor will give you an estimate after you’ve asked for one.

What Is the Contractor’s Reputation?

Lastly, it’s important to assess the contractor’s reputation. Is it primarily positive, primarily negative, or just somewhere in the middle?

How can you find this out? By looking at review sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, and the like. These will have ample reviews from past customers, and they will help you to learn a lot about your prospective contractor.

Read through individual reviews, look out for common complaints, and see if any of the reviews can answer questions you might have. You’ll be able to get a good feel for different contractors, which will, in turn, inform your final decision.

Looking for a Fencing Contractor in Arlington Heights, Illinois?

Are you looking for a reputable and experienced fencing contractor in Arlington Heights, Illinois? If so, you’ve come to the right place — Action Fence is the top choice.

We have installed, repaired, and maintained all types of fences throughout Arlington Heights and the surrounding areas. Regardless of your fencing needs, we have you covered. Contact us today at (847) 949-6690 to request a free estimate on your project.